Lessons & Courses

Clases y Cursos

First time class

The perfect way to try out climbing! Oriented by one of our coaches, you will learn the correct way to warm up and the basic climbing skills, which will allow you define your next climbing goals. ...Read more

If you want to book a class, please send us a message to the WhatsApp number +57 311 8659313, or an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

*Terms and conditions may apply

 Non MembersMembers
First time class $40.000 NA

Introduction to climbing course

The best way to learn how to climb! In this 8-session group course you will get to know the basic skills and exercises to venture into sport climbing, accompanied by our best coaches. ...Read more

You will learn:

  • Introduction to the sport: a bit of history, climbing types and terminology.
  • Physical conditioning specific for climbing.
  • Climbing techniques in vertical terrain.
  • Climbing exercises for training specific climbing skills.
  • Basic gear management.
  • Optional: first climbing experience in real rock (includes the basic gear, instructors and insurance)

Duration: 4 weeks (2 sessions per week)

*Terms and conditions may apply

 Non MembersMembers
Introduction to climbing course $200.000 $149.000
Rock climbing (additional) $150.000 $150.000